
Sunday, March 6, 2011

2000 Euros immediate target

Over the last year money has been raised through various events. For example, some of the biggest fund raisers were an auction in Orgiva which raised 500 Euros, an Italian food and party night at El Morreon near Orgiva which raised over 1000 Euros. However, adding everything up we're still short of 2000 Euros of the 10,000 Euros in legal fees for the defence (of the four people being prosecuted).

This blog has had over 1,400 visitors in the last 2 months but only a handful of people have put their hands in their pockets and made a donation to directly help those people facing life crippling fines if found guilty. To those that have contributed, we cannot thank you enough for that support.

For those people who ever gone to the Dragon Festival or support free festivals, please please please give something back and donate at least 5 Euros.

We're nearly there on this immediate target!